12 Inspiring Self Help Books For Women To Read in 2024

As women, we often find ourselves juggling various roles and responsibilities in our daily lives. From being a caretaker to pursuing a career, it can be challenging to find the time and energy for self-care and personal development.

Gone are the days when you had to sneak into the self-help section of the bookstore as if it were something to be ashamed of. Thankfully, times have changed, and now society recognizes the true worth and significance of self-improvement. It’s a powerful tool for personal growth and empowerment that we gladly embrace!

That’s why I’ve compiled a list of the 12 best self help books for women that will inspire and keep you motivated each month in 2024. To make things more practical, I also included some journal recommendations to help you put your learnings into action.

12 Top Picks Of Self Help Books For Women

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

About the author

Shonda Rhimes is a renowned American television producer, screenwriter, and author. She’s best known for creating hit TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder.

Why you should read it

In this captivating self improvement book, Shonda fearlessly recounts her personal journey of courageously saying ‘yes’ to opportunities that initially frightened her.

With remarkable candor, she describes how this simple act of embracing fear and stepping outside of her comfort zone transformed not only her own life but also her career and creative endeavors.

Shonda’s words serve as a powerful reminder for all of us to break free from the constraints of our comfort zones and wholeheartedly embrace the exhilarating path of new challenges and endless possibilities.

If we keep taking the same path, we’ll keep ending up in the same place.‘Year Of Yes’ is seriously one of the best self help books for women to change their mindset and be open to all those hidden opportunities.

“I am not lucky. You know what I am? I am smart, I am talented, I take advantage of the opportunities that come my way and I work really, really hard. Don’t call me lucky. Call me a badass.”

Shonda Rhimes

You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

About the author

Jen Sincero is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, success coach, and motivational speaker. She’s also a former musician and has traveled the world performing with her band.

Why you should read it

This book is a transformative guide that delves deep into the art of harnessing your inner badass to create the life you truly desire.

With a perfect blend of humor, relatable anecdotes, and insightful wisdom, Jen skillfully navigates readers through a series of empowering exercises and mindset shifts.

By breaking through the barriers of self-doubt and fear, this book offers practical tools and techniques to boost confidence and pave the way for achieving even the loftiest of goals.

No matter if you’re seeking personal growth, professional success, or a profound shift in mindset, ‘You Are A Badass’ is a phenomenal self help book for women! It’s your ultimate companion on the journey toward unleashing your true potential and living a life of fulfillment.

“You are responsible for what you say and do. You are not responsible for whether or not people freak out about it.”

Jen Sincero

Atomic Habits by James Clear

About the author

James Clear is a writer, speaker, and expert on habits and decision-making. He has written for major publications like Time, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider.

Why you should read it

Whether you want to break bad habits or develop good ones, ‘Atomic Habit’ by James Clear is the self improvement book that will provide you with the necessary tools and strategies.

James emphasizes the significance of small, consistent actions and how they can lead to remarkable results in personal growth and various aspects of life.

With practical examples and insightful anecdotes, this self help book (not only for women) offers a roadmap for transforming your habits and achieving long-lasting change.

“Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.”

James Clear

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

About the author

Louise Hay was a motivational author and founder of Hay House, a publishing company focused on self-help and inspiration. She is known for her affirmations and positive thinking techniques.

Why you should read it

In this amazing self improvement book, Louise passionately highlights the incredible mind-body connection and explores how our thoughts and beliefs can greatly impact our physical well-being.

Through her insightful teachings, readers are taken on a transformative journey to let go of deeply ingrained negative beliefs and patterns. This paves the way for a powerful shift towards love, forgiveness, and self-acceptance.

By embracing these life-changing principles, you can unlock your full potential for vibrant health and inner harmony. Do not overlook this classic self help book for women! ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ is a must-have for every bookshelf. It’s also a fantastic resource when you’re going through tough times on your healing journey, providing guidance and tools to help you overcome challenges.

“The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.”

Louise Hay

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

About the author

Gary Chapman is a marriage counselor and speaker who has written several books on relationships. He is also the senior associate pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Why you should read it

This wonderful book explores the beautiful complexity of love, uncovering the 5 primary ways individuals can express and receive this deep emotion.

We often get tempted to show affection the way we think we’re loved, which can sometimes cause misunderstandings and conflicts in our relationships. In ‘The 5 Love Languages’, Chapman reveals the five fundamentals of love: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.

By understanding your partner’s primary love language, you can cultivate a deeper connection and strengthen your bond by speaking their language of love. This principle can be applied not just for romantic relationships, but also for friendships or even the relationship with your parents.

In my humble opinion, I highly recommend that everyone on this planet should check out this incredible book! If you’re into self improvement books, this awesome masterpiece will totally transform how you see your relationships and might change your life forever.

“Love is not just a feeling; it’s a decision we make to keep living it out every day.”

Gary Chapman

Get Rich Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas

About the author

Denise Duffield-Thomas is a money mindset coach and expert in the Law of Attraction. She is also an international speaker and best-selling author.

Why you should read it

In this refreshing and empowering book for women, Denise shares her personal journey from financial struggle to abundance.

This book is not just about getting rich; it’s about creating an abundant mindset and living the life you truly desire. Through relatable anecdotes, practical tips, and mindset exercises, Denise shows how you can reveal and break through your money blocks and create a life of financial freedom.

Get Rich Lucky Bitch’ is one of the best and funniest self help books for women I personally have read.

“Being grateful for what you have will always attract more to be grateful for.”

Denise Duffield-Thomas

Positively Wealthy by Emma Mumford

About the author

Emma Mumford is a spiritual and personal development coach, blogger, YouTuber, and best-selling author. She also hosts the ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’ which is the #1 Spirituality Podcast on iTunes.

Why you should read it

In this book, Emma shares her journey from a debt-ridden shopaholic to a successful and fulfilled entrepreneur. She combines practical money management techniques with spiritual principles, such as the Law of Attraction, to help you attract abundance and live your best life.

While both ‘Get Rich, Lucky Bitch’ by Denise Duffield-Thomas and ‘Positively Wealthy’ by Emma Mumford are remarkable self help books for money mindset, they offer different perspectives on wealth creation and prosperity.

‘Positively Wealthy’ presents a more holistic view of wealth. Emma combines practical money management techniques with spiritual principles like the Law of Attraction. The book not only targets financial abundance but also personal growth and fulfillment. Emma champions the idea of decluttering, both physically and mentally, to make space for abundance and prosperity and touches upon topics such as self-love, forgiveness, and gratitude in addition to practical financial advice.

‘Positively Wealthy’ is an awesome self improvement book for women who embrace their spiritual side and want to blend it into their journey towards financial success. It provides a special mix of practical and spiritual tools to help you manifest the life you want.

“Wealth means different things to different people. But at its core, it’s about creating a life of abundance in all areas – financially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.”

Emma Mumford

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

About the author

Don Miguel Ruiz is a spiritual teacher and author of several best-selling books. He comes from a long line of traditional healers in Mexico and combines ancient wisdom with modern insights to guide readers on their path to personal transformation.

Why you should read it

The Four Agreements are simple yet powerful principles that have the potential to change your life. In this book, Ruiz shares his Toltec wisdom and teaches readers how to break free from self-limiting beliefs and live in alignment with their true selves.

From practicing impeccable communication to always doing your best, ‘The Four Agreements’ can help you create a life of happiness, freedom, and love.

Just as with ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ by Louise Hay, ‘The Four Agreements’ by Don Miguel Ruiz is also a classic in the self-help genre. Its timeless wisdom and practical advice provide a roadmap to create a life of happiness, freedom, and self-awareness. The principles in this book are not only intended to guide you towards a better life but also anchor you during challenging times.

“The Four Agreements are like magic pills that have the power to transform your life and create heaven on earth.”

Don Miguel Ruiz

Do Less by Kate Northrup

About the author

Kate Northrup is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, and mother who believes that women can achieve more by doing less. She has been featured in major publications and is a sought-after speaker on topics such as time management, productivity, and self-care.

Why you should read it

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly doing more, achieving more, and striving for perfection. But as Northrup argues in this book, sometimes doing less is actually the key to finding balance and success.

It’s not just about time management. ‘Do Less’ is about cyclical living, honoring your body’s natural rhythms, and learning to listen to your intuition. By doing less and trusting in the power of rest, you can tap into your full potential and achieve more with less effort.

Through a combination of personal anecdotes, scientific research, and practical tips, it teaches readers how to prioritize self-care, set healthy boundaries, and create a life that feels aligned with their values and goals.

This book deserves to be recognized as the top choice among self help books for women, empowering them to fully embrace their femininity in every aspect of their lives.

“In today’s society, it’s easy to believe that busyness equals success. But true success is about finding harmony between work and rest.”

Kate Northrup

The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle

About the author

Eckhart Tolle is a widely acclaimed spiritual teacher and author, best known for his transformational works on spiritual enlightenment and the power of living in the present moment. His teachings have transcended cultures and religions to reach millions of readers worldwide.

Why you should read it

Tolle’s groundbreaking book, “The Power of Now,” has been translated into over 50 languages and is often considered a cornerstone resource in the genre of self improvement books. Tolle challenges readers to let go of their thoughts about the past and future and instead focus on the present moment. He explains how this shift in mindset can lead to a deeper sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment.

This book is just another must-read of self help books for women and men. Through simple yet powerful teachings, Tolle helps readers understand the root of their suffering and provides practical techniques for living a more mindful life. It’s perfect for anyone looking to quiet their mind, reduce stress, and embrace the present moment.

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”

Eckhart Tolle

Style Therapy by Lauren Messiah

About the author

Lauren Messiah is a style and confidence expert, known for her relatable and practical approach to fashion. She has helped countless women embrace their personal style and feel more confident in their skin.

Why you should read it

Style Therapy is not your typical self-help book. Instead of focusing on inner work, Messiah takes a unique approach by using fashion and style as a tool for personal growth. She believes that when you look good, you feel good, and her book guides readers through the process of finding their signature style and using it to boost confidence. And we all know that confidence is like the secret source to being the absolute best versions of ourselves.

Style Therapy‘ will take your wardrobe and mindset to the next level, teaching you how to use fashion to feel empowered, confident, and in control. That’s why it’s definitely one of the best self help books for women to read anytime, at any age!

With a mix of humor and real-life examples, Style Therapy is an enjoyable read that will leave you feeling inspired to embrace your unique sense of style. Whether you’re struggling with self-confidence or just looking to refresh your wardrobe, this book will serve as your guiding light.

“Style has the power to transform your life.”

Lauren Messiah

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*uck by Mark Manson

About the author

Mark Manson is a blogger and bestselling author who writes about self-improvement, personal development, and relationships. His work has been featured in major publications such as The Huffington Post and Time magazine.

Why you should read it

In “The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck,” Manson challenges traditional self-help advice by arguing that the key to a happy life is not to constantly strive for positivity but rather to embrace our struggles and choose what truly matters to us.

With his unique blend of humor and honesty, Manson teaches readers how to let go of external pressures and focus on what brings meaning and purpose into their lives. This book is perfect for anyone looking to break free from societal expectations and find true happiness on their own terms.

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck” is an absolute must-have of self help books for women seeking personal growth. It’s a top pick that will empower and inspire you to embrace a new mindset!

“Who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for.”

Mark Manson

Inspiring Journals And Workbooks For Self Improvement

Reading is indeed a fantastic way to broaden our horizons, learn new things, and gain fresh perspectives. However, the real value of reading, especially self improvement books, lies in applying these insights into our everyday lives. At first, it might seem like a challenge, but accomplishing this task can be a breeze.

There are practical tools available to help you apply the lessons learned from all the self help books in your daily life. By actively using workbooks and journals, you can be guided with helpful prompts and exercises that will assist you in putting your knowledge into practice.

The Five Minute Journal

The 5 Minute Journal is a simple yet powerful tool that helps you start your day with gratitude and intention. This journal includes daily prompts to write down what you are grateful for, set daily affirmations, and reflect on how you can make the most out of the day ahead.

In combination with one of the self help books mentioned above, you will have a powerful routine in place to start your day with a positive mindset and focus on what truly matters.

Success Journal: A Productivity Goal Planner

If you are looking for a more structured approach to self improvement, the Success Journal is an excellent choice. This planner not only includes goal-setting and productivity tools but also provides space for daily reflection, habit tracking, and gratitude exercises.

I use this planner for myself and highly recommend it to anyone who needs that extra daily dose of motivation to stay on track.

Self-Love Workbook for Woman by Megan Logan

This list of top picks of self help books for women can not be done without the ‘Self-Love Workbook’ because self-love is a foundational aspect of personal growth and well-being.

Logan’s approach is gentle and understanding, making this book accessible for readers at any stage in their self-love journey.

By working through the activities and reflections in this workbook, readers can learn to let go of self-criticism, embrace their unique qualities, and build a more loving relationship with themselves. The workbook offers a comprehensive guide to cultivating self-love through journal prompts, exercises, and affirmations.

Worry for Nothing: Guided Anxiety Journal

Anxiety and worry are common obstacles in the pursuit of personal growth. This guided anxiety journal is specifically designed to help women overcome their worries and fears through writing exercises, mindfulness techniques, and self-care practices.

By acknowledging and working through anxious thoughts in a structured way, readers can learn to release tension and find inner peace. With regular use, this journal can be an empowering tool for women to manage their anxiety and focus on personal growth by accepting and letting go of worry.

Final Words

In conclusion, each one of these 12 self help books for women has its own unique approach to fostering personal growth, self-love, and inner peace.

Whether you are someone who loves structured exercises or prefers gentle, reflective prompts, there’s a book on this list for you. Remember, the journey of self improvement is not about perfection, it’s about progress, and these books can be your companions on this journey.

They’ll provide you with the tools and insights to confront your fears, break through your barriers, and become the best version of yourself.

Happy reading, ladies!

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