10 Irresistible Signs Your Body Is Releasing Trauma

Signs Your body is releasing trauma improves mental well-being

We all carry our own invisible backpacks, weighed down with the not-so-fun souvenirs of our past experiences and negative events that have a tremendous impact on our lives, even though we don’t consciously recognize there is a problem. These traumatic experiences can leave their mark on our bodies, causing us to feel stuck, drained, and … Read more

Embracing Your Uniqueness: A Guide to Shattering the ‘Everybody Is Better Than Me’-Illusion

Woman feels inferior

It’s a bit of a universal question, isn’t it? That nagging thought that sneaks into our heads, the one that says, “Why is everyone else better than me? What’s wrong with me?” It’s totally okay to have these thoughts. In fact, it’s pretty common. There will always be people who appear better than us in … Read more

Why Chaos Is Good And Will Make You A Better Person!

Chaos is Good with paper clips

“Embrace the chaos!” they said. “Chaos is good to rewire your brain!” they said. But what if you’ve recently lost your job, your relationship is going through a rough patch, and it’s been ages since you were in good shape? Is it all just theory? Can chaos actually be good for us? Absolutely! Firstly, let’s … Read more

Ultimate Guide: Why I Keep Seeing 1111 But Nothing Happens

Angel Number 11:11

Have you ever looked at the clock and noticed a repeating pattern like 11:11 or 3:33? Or perhaps, you keep seeing the same number sequence popping up everywhere – on license plates, receipts, or even in your dreams. Have you ever asked yourself ‘I keep seeing 1111 but nothing happens. Why?’ Well, these recurring numbers … Read more